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5 Tips for a Perfect First Date

Make your woman think you're an angel.

So, you've scheduled your first date and want to impress her. You want to look good, well dressed, nicely shaven, and with the best perfume, but what else? Here are few tips to make her fall in love with you after this first date.

Compliment her

Every woman loves thoughtful and appropriate compliments, but what do we mean by thoughtful and appropriate? Well, thoughtful compliments are specific to her, not general or vague, and appropriate compliments are neither too serious nor too sexual. Guys, just like you want to know what women are thinking, women want to know what men are thinking, especially if it's something nice, so compliment her. It will help make that second date all the more likely.

Don't just talk about yourself

You won't make her like you by overloading her with information about yourself. Not only will that push her away, but it's also a huge turnoff to women, so instead of telling her how cool is your new beard trimmer, ask her thoughtful questions about her, her family, her past, her interests, and her goals. Go into the date with the goal of getting to know her as much as possible. You'll notice that showing that much interest in her makes her like you more and makes her want to get to know you better.

Keep in touch

After a great first date, it's important to keep in touch with her, so call or text every few days to let her know you're still interested. Why should you do that? If you don't, contrary to what a lot of guys think, it will not make her like you more. It will only make her angry and/or confused. So keep the good impression from your first date and keep in touch regularly.

Have a great date, man. You deserve her. Act immediately!